Pupil premium strategy statement
Strategy: A tiered approach
At Ditton Lodge Primary School, we have a tiered approach to Pupil Premium spending which allows the school to focus on a series of targeted strategies which will have the greatest impact.
These are:
1. Teaching
- Success for All approach to literacy
- Co-operative learning approach to promote excellent behaviour for learning
- Explicit vocabulary teaching across the curriculum
- High quality research-based professional development opportunities for all teaching staff
2. Targeted academic support
- Targeted Success@arithmetic interventions
- Targeted reading interventions
- Booster sessions for KS2 pupils for English and Maths
- Booster sessions for KS1 pupils for phonics
- Personalised curricular for specific children
3. Wider strategies
- Emotional Literacy Support Assistant for all pupils needing emotional mental health support
- Subsidised trips and visitors
- Subsidised sports clubs
- Subsidised music tutoring
- Lunchtime clubs to support vulnerable pupils
- PAT dog reading volunteer