Head Boy

Head Girl


Our Head Girl, Head Boy and Year 6 Prefects 


In Year 6, we are asked to take on a range of responsibilities which help to prepare us for our life beyond primary school.  Head Girl, Head Boy and Prefect are three of these roles.  At the beginning of the year, we decided which responsibility we would be most suited for and wrote a speech outlining the qualities we had which would make us most suited to the role.  We then stood up in a whole school assembly and delivered them to all our school friends.  Each child then voted on their favoured candidate.  Annabel and Arthur were named Head Girl and Head Boy.  Pheonix, Freddie, Hermione and Oscar became our Prefects. 

These roles mean that we set an example to the rest of the school, demonstrating the high expectations of behaviour which we have here at Ditton Lodge based on our Ditton Lodge High 5.  We also model the key British Value of mutual respect, for ourselves, each other and visitors into school.  We represent the school in various ways, from interviewing potential members of staff to reading prayers at end of term services.  We take our roles very seriously indeed.